Crysis PC Game - Cheat Codes

Just in case anyone wants to see what it's like to play Crysis with cheats on - here are some of cheats codes for this immersive game:

ModsThe codes can be entered in the console or in a user-created System.cfg file. The console must be unlocked by using "con_restricted = 0" before any of the cheats can be used in the console.

cl_strengthscale = 1 (any number)Multiplies punch strength by this factor.
g_suitCloakEnergyDrainAdjuster = 1 (any number)Multiplies energy consumption of cloaking by this number.
g_suitSpeedEnergyConsumption = 110 (any number)Amount of energy consumed in speed mode while sprinting.
g_suitSpeedMult = 1.85 (any number)Movement speed in speed mode is multiplied by this number.
pl_swimJumpSpeedBaseMul = 1 (any number).How quickly you jump out of the water.
pl_fallDamage_SpeedSafe = 8 (any number)Maximum speed in meters/second at which you take no damage.
g_walkmultiplier = 1 (any number, but if too high, you can't move)Multiply player movement speed by this factor.
g_godMode = 1God mode
g_playerSuitArmorModeHealthRegenTime = 0Instant health regen
g_playerSuitHealthRegenTime = 0Set health regen time to zero
g_playerSuitHealthRegenDelay = 0No waiting until regen starts
g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeTimeArmorMoving = 0Instant energy while moving
g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeDelay = 0Do not wait until energy regen starts
g_difficultyLevel = 1Set difficulty; "1" is easy "4" is most difficult
i_noweaponlimit = 1No weapon limit

God Mode Locate the difficulty files in your Crysis installation folder (ie: C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis\Game\Config). These files are called diff_easy.cfg, diff_normal.cfg, diff_hard.cfg and diff_bauer.cfg. Open the file (with Notepad) that corresponds to the difficulty level you are playing. Add the following line to the end of the file and save it:g_godMode = 1

Now, when playing your health will still decrease but you will not die. Instead, your health and armor will automatically replenish when your health reaches 0.

Additional Cheats

Using the same method as above, add the following lines to the end of your config file for the corresponding effect:

Code: Result:
i_unlimitedammo = 1 Unlimited Ammo
ai_IgnorePlayer = 1 Enemies Ignore You
i_noweaponlimit = 1 Carry Unlimited Number of Weapons



Crysis PC Game - Comix Review by Dumdeedum

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Crysis PC Game - News: Multiplayer Security Update!

Official news from CryTek about multiplayer security and related issues:

Greetings Community!

Crysis has been out for quite some time already and we constantly focus on getting the Multiplayer part more balanced and the servers less filled with cheaters. The last point is a topic we want to address today. The following is only the beginning of our initiative against Hacks, Cheats and Trainers. We know this is going to be tough, but we think it is rudimental and absolutely necessary.

Alliance with

With this day we would like to announce our collaboration with the well known Anti-Cheat web site . Many of you may know this page from other popular multiplayer games, but here a summary what the group is about.

PunksBusted (PsB) was founded back in the year 2002. They are currently providing several games with the latest Md5 checks and a global master ban list. Most common hacks out there can be detected with the right Punkbuster configuration, and thus we decided to work together with these guys.

The Master Ban List

Together with PsB we have been working on a new Punkbuster configuration which is ready for release now. In addition we are going to use the Punkbuster streaming technology which is linked to PsB's Master Ban List (MBL) for Crysis.

So what is this MBL? In a few words, it is a list that streams the Punkbuster log files of a server to . Afterwards these log files are being analyzed and cheat violations are being added to a Master Ban List (MBL).

This list prevents cheaters who have been added to play on all Crysis game servers who are streaming to Punksbusted. Following you will find a description how to set up your server correctly in order to be able to stream to PsB.

We are also using the Auto MBL tool to provide new cheat related Md5 checks to the game servers. These will be updated as soon as we have found a new cheat for Crysis which can be detected this way.

Streaming To

Every game server for Crysis can stream to All you need to do is following:

  1. Register free on

  2. Chose "Membership" and then "Apply"

  3. Fill out the form (don't forget to add Crysis game servers)

  4. Application is being verified and Clan ID being sent via email

  5. Once you have received the login information proceed as following:

- Open "pbsvlog.cfg" inside your Pb folder.

- Enter your Clan ID into this field:

pb_sv_loguser <clanID> // Your Clan ID

  1. Download the Auto-MBL tool to get updates from PsB automatically.

  2. Keep in mind: "pbsv.cfg" requires manual updating!

  3. Changes to your game server need to be updated on the PsB page.

New Punkbuster Configuration

As already mentioned above we have created a new Punkbuster configuration together with PsB which can be downloaded further below and applied to your server. This configuration contains 4 files:

  • pbsv.cfg
    You can find general PB settings, cvar checks and all Md5 checks in this config file

  • pbsvlog.cfg
    In this config you need to add all needed informations for streaming

  • pbsvuser.cfg
    This is an empty placeholder file the Auto MBL tool will update with the latest Md5 checks

  • reloadbans.cfg
    This file is needed to reload the ban list. So players which where deleted from the MBL will be unbanned.

Crysis Trusted Server Providers

Several Crysis game server providers already updated their public servers and more will follow during the next days. Especially our Trusted Server Providers KGN and have been very cooperative and most of their servers are running the new configurations. So try them out and enjoy some great Crysis Multiplayer experience!

More to come regarding this topic!

-Crysis Dev Team


Crysis PC Game - The Hardware Experiment by Crytek

Crysis Dev Team experimented with new hardware to see how high-end a computer should be to be able to run Crysis on High settings:  

Greetings Community,

The Experiment

Over Christmas we took the time for a little in-house experiment. With only a limited budget of around US $900 we wanted to set up a brand new machine that can handle Crysis on High settings. We should note that Very High settings are reserved to keep Crysis future-proofed, just like Ultra was in Far Cry.

Together with EA we looked in shops around the world and bought the hardware parts to put together our machine starting from scratch. While we had a budget in mind, we wanted to still make sure this machine would have top-notch hardware such as a multicore processor or a DirectX10 graphics card.

The Videos

As you’ll see from the 8 minutes of video we recorded, Crysis looks absolute fabulous on High settings with this configuration and runs very smoothly on a 1280x720 resolution. They show different locations from the Crysis Singleplayer Campaign with everything set to High.

- Download – Video 1
- Download – Video 2
- Download – Video 3
- Download – Video 4

The Configuration

Below you find a rough list of parts we purchased so you can see and check for yourself about the total costs of such a high-end computer. The prices may vary from country to country, but overall the costs should be within the same range (shipping included).

CPU Intel Core2Duo E6750
GPU GeForce 8800GT 512MB
Motherboard NVIDIA nForce 650i Socket 775
RAM 2GB (2 x 1GB) 240-Pin DDR2 800 (PC2 6400) Dual Channel Kit
DVD 20x DVD±R Burner
Case ATX Midi Tower Computer Case
OS Microsoft Windows XP Home with SP2

The Message

With this experiment we have shown that Crysis runs smoothly and provides and amazing, unparalleled performance on High settings and on an affordable machine that is readily available today.

We know most of you already have a great base to work with, so compare your current hardware with the setup mentioned above and consider an affordable upgrade – you do not have to purchase a new machine. Crysis is very scalable and looks great on Medium settings compared to current next-gen games.



-Crysis Dev Team


Crysis PC Game - News: Patch 1.1 Released

Crysis is finally patched and now goes to version 1.1.

Crytek has finally released the first long awaited patch for Crysis which brings the game to version 1.1. It fixes a few bugs, makes several tweaks and creates a few updates.  Here is the full list of fixes, updates and tweaks:


    * Fixed: Potential crash in D3D10
    * Fixed: Orange boxes apearing when hispec savegame loaded into lowspec game.
    * Fixed: Inconsistent damage dealt to vehicles when shot by LAW.
    * Fixed: Reflection resolution on D3D10, MultiGPU reflection update fix
    * Fixed: Memory leak with FSAA modes
    * Fixed: Infinite ammo hacks.
    * Fixed: Memory leak in D3D10 when switching screen modes
    * Fixed: Muti optimizations
    * Fixed: When player melees during gun raise animation, their gun will be in a permanantly raised position.
    * Fixed: Crash when loading savegame with level exported recently by editor
    * Fixed: Virtual keyboard does not function properly when a game pad is connected
    * Fixed: Users can lose the ability to look around with the Right Stick
    * Fixed: Setting screen resolution to "default" stops user from selecting last resolution
    * Fixed: Bug when changing resolution in D3D10
    * Fixed: Issues with Depth of field and water droplets in D3D10
    * Fixed: Crash on NaN warning


    * Added: Motion Blur UI and V.SYNC UI options
    * Optimized: Motion blur
    * Optimized: FSAA (Full Scene Anti-Aliasing)
    * Optimized sound id implementation
    * Enabled VSync functionality in D3D10
    * New benchmarking files for ice CPU benchmark.
    * http/xmlrpc password protected remote control session
    * Marked debug cvars as cheat
    * F12 (screenshot) now works in restricted mode as well


    * Reduced LAW splash damage vs. infantry in PowerStruggle mode
    * Slowed Rocket projectile speed down in MP slightly
    * Disabled automatic turret bounding boxes on vehicles to prevent issues with LAW hit detection
    * Reduced grenade explosion radius in multiplayer
    * Clamped water tesselation to avoid cheating in MP
    * MultiGPU improvements with depth map updates

Download the Crysis Patch 1.1 (142.4 MB, freeware).