So, it was Wednesday yesterday and time for another weekly update from Crytek Dev Team reporting to the world-wide community on the progress of various Crysis related topics. This time they have got an update on the Mod Software Development Kit and also a new status report on the long awaited patch 1.2 for Crysis. It also introduces quite a few new bug fixes of the change log and new features that are included.
Mod SDK – Status Update
As you know from the last weekly update the Mod SDK is coming along quite well. We have been able to fix the remaining issues on the example assets and made them fully functional within the past week. They are also being made compatible to the different exporters the SDK includes.
The respective documentation about the asset creation for CryENGINE2 is finished as well. It will cover the basic questions to get everyone started on this topic and includes install instructions, new tutorials and also some new references for you to read through.
We do not want to tell too much, but you should check out Crytek’s Modding Portal within the next few days, since we got a more or less “small” surprise for the whole modding community which should get everyone working on new levels, assets and more.
The game source code for the SDK is still in preparation to get it working properly with the upcoming patch 1.2. We are confident to deliver the complete Mod SDK to you around the time we ship the new patch. In conjunction we also want to update the official CryENGINE2 documentation on with quite a few new tutorials and references.
Patch 1.2 – Status Report
We also got news from the development status of patch 1.2 for you. The final installer has been sent to the EA and Crytek QA departments for content verification. The feedback from them until now is positive, so no major errors could have been found so far.
What we are currently working on is the localization for the patch readme file. It needs to be translated into the various languages the game supports. After this is done the files will be verified if they have been translated properly and then get implemented into the installer.
When this step is completed the patch is ready for distribution and allows us to name you a release date for it.
Patch 1.2 – Bug Fixes & Features Introduction
In every Crysis Weekly Update we are going to feature a few of the upcoming bug fixes and/or features from the change log and talk about them a bit more detailed. The introductions for this update are:
Singleplayer/Multiplayer – Audio Hit Feedback
To improve the overall readability in-game for Singleplayer and each Multiplayer game mode Crysis has to offer we decided to implement additional audio hit feedback functionality. This applies to bullet impacts to the enemy player model you are shooting at.
By hitting the torso, arms and legs you will clearly hear the audio feedback and thus recognize much easier that you hit someone. By giving a headshot the sound will be different and can be clearly identified as such. This feedback also can be enabled and disabled by the specific console variable “g_useHitSoundFeedback”.
Multiplayer – Connection Error Warning Messages
With patch 1.2 we introduce even more readability, not only to the in-game part as well but also to the general user interface. Currently it is not that easy to locate the error with your Crysis installation and set up if you got disconnected from an online server with the message “Server Authentication Failed” or “Disconnected from server”.
This will change with the upcoming patch since we implemented quite a few new error messages that give you more details on the reason why you have not been able to either join a server at all or stay connected to one server.
- If a player is missing the map the server is running:“Could not find mapname”
- If the player has the map but it differs from the servers version:“Map version differs from server”
- If the player was kicked from the server:“Kicked from server”
- If the player was banned from the server (if they attempt to reconnect):“You have been banned from the server”
- If the player has a different version of the game to the server:“Unable to connect, game version differs from server”
- Client error while connecting to devmode enabled server without the client running devmode:“You must be in devmode to connect to this server”
- Client error attempting to connect to servers while in devmode and the server isn’t:“Cannot connect to this server while in devmode”
Change Log Abstract
As usual we are going to inform you about additional bug fixes/tweaks included in the patch. With the upcoming weeks we try to inform you as good as possible about the change log, but no promise that we can finish the whole list until the patch is released – it is quite huge!
1. Optimizations and Stability
- Corrected a number of memory leaks with FSAA modes.
2. General Fixes/tweaks
- Fixed player receiving damage from rag dolls.
- Fixed an issue where key bindings were not saved until the player resumed the game.
3. Weapons
- Moved assault scope further away from the camera to allow for a better peripheral view while zoomed.
- Nano-Disruptor grenade will no longer disrupt the revive invulnerability effect.
- When prone with a sniper rifle, the attachments menu should no longer be cut off.
4. Vehicles
- Fixed a number of issues where players getting out of vehicles would get stuck in walls.
- Improved vehicle handling under braking and boosting.
- Reduced collision damage multiplier for actor-vehicle collisions in MP.
5. Singleplayer
- Halved suit energy required for punching in strength mode.
- Helmets will never deflect shots when the player hits them while using weapon sights.
6. Multiplayer
- Added a number of warnings for incorrect map version and missing maps when connecting to servers. (already introduced further above)
- Players will no longer be banned for team killing while in pre-game period.
- Fixed not being able to scroll player names on end of game scoreboard.
7. New Features (already introduced further above)
- Added some additional audio hitfeedback functionality to multiplayer and singleplayer bullet impacts. Headshots will include an audible ding in multiplayer games.
- Added additional audio feedback for player hitting enemies. The feedback can be disabled with "g_useHitSoundFeedback 0".
-Crysis Dev Team