Crysis PC Game - Full Crysis Multiplayer Map List

Multiplayer - PowerStruggle
Republic of Nauru, Micronesia.Under North Korean occupation.US Special Forces have been dispatched aboard the USS Humphreys to a small island recently occupied by North Korean Forces. Multiple Alien crash sites have been detected in proximity to the McTiller Martins facility and should be secured as quickly as possible.

near Blackhawk, Colorado. Under US domination. In a daring move, North Korean Special Forces have infiltrated a McTiller Martins Prototype facility in an attempt to retrieve Alien technology. A nearby US Base has scrambled a nano-equipped team to engage and expel the forces from the area. Multiple automated factories are also located in the area and may be captured and used to supplement forces if needed.

Caraga Region, Philippines. Under North Korean domination. US and North Korean Special Forces teams have been ordered to secure a small area in the Philippines that has multiple confirmed alien crash sites. A small research dome has been constructed in the area and may be used to process alien energy for use against hostile forces.

Seonbong, North Korea. Under North Korean domination. This North Korean facility has been designated a focal point for liberation by United States forces. A nano-suit equipped team has been ordered to secure the facilities there, including a previously unknown Prototype Installation.

Kiribati, Oceania. Under North Korean domination. Following the Alien crisis, the small island of Kiribati became a focal point for multiple alien incursions. The Prototype Factory located there is the world leader for Alien studies and has recently come under North Korean domination. US Special Forces have been sent via submarine to retake the facility and the surrounding peninsula.

Jaluit Atoll. Contested. A lethal standoff of North Korean and US Special Forces has occurred on a military airstrip located in the Marshall Islands. Both sides have been ordered to sweep and destroy the entire area of all enemy units. Fully functioning war factories and air factories make taking and holding this location critical to overall success.

Multiplayer - Instant Action


Marine Corp Base Hawaii. An advanced vehicle training course has been constructed in an extinct volcano and is now available for all motorized testing and tactics practice.

Ebeye, Marshall Islands. An old gypsum mine has been turned into a training ground for advanced special ops combat. In preparation for an upcoming assault on North Korean territory, you have been selected to train in this location.

Molokai, Hawaii. An abandoned steel mill has been taken and is now used as a training facility for nano-suit equipped troops. This facility is perfect for simulating urban combat.

Moorea, French Polynesia. An old military railway terminal has been converted into a multi-zone training facility. Rooftops are critical to maintaining dominance over the immediate combat area. Multiple advanced weapons have been hidden around the engagement area to facilitate field response to rapidly changing conditions.

Multiplayer - Team Instant Action


Southern Pacific Ocean. The USS Humphreys has been temporarily converted into a covert training area. Many of the ship’s areas are locked down and off limits but most of it has been made available for advanced weapon testing and combat simulation.

Guam. A hidden outpost in a remote location has been chosen for testing alien weapons and materials. Special Forces assigned to protect this crucial scientific area have been using one of the less frequented zones for weapons and tactics training.

Molokai, Hawaii. An abandoned steel mill has been taken and is now used as a training facility for nano-suit equipped troops. This facility is perfect for simulating urban combat.

Source: Crysis-Online

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