Meet With Major Strickland's Recon Team
Follow Prophet over the bridge to a small house occupied by a squad of marines. He talks briefly with the soldier outside, who directs the two of you inside to Sergeant Keegan. This triggers a minor secondary objective of simply speaking to the sergeant. He gives you a pretty depressing lowdown on what's going on, which is naturally interrupted by another alien blitzkrieg.Defend the Recon Team
When the weird noises indicate that more alien octopi are on the way, run out to the deck attached to the back of this building. Shoulder the alien MOAC and begin blasting away at the flying contraptions as they swoop down on you and the marines. A few robot bugs attack as well, but the marines can take care of them pretty handily, so you should concentrate on the bigger octopi threats.
After an onslaught lasting about 10 minutes, the aliens stop coming and Prophet orders everybody into a evac convoy of LTV trucks.Get Into the LTV
Go back to the front of the building and get into the gun turret in the LTV on the near side of the road. Swivel around to face the rear as Prophet guns the engine. Look back just in time to see that one of the trucks doesn't make it. Ah, the horrors of war.
Blast the robot octopi as they swoop down on the two surviving LTVs and pray that Prophet's horrible driving doesn't get you jammed against a tree and force you to reload a save. Also, be careful not to blast octopi when they're directly over the road ahead of you. They have a tendency to fall right in front of your convoy, causing the idiotic driving AI to simply stop and wait for the alien self-destruct function to blow you to kingdom come.
As you head down, look to your left to see your old buddy Vulture 26 in a lot of trouble. Robot octopi force his VTOL down, causing a crash and a mayday from his passenger, your former hostage buddy Helena Rosenthal.Proceed to the VTOL Crash Site
Exit the LTV and drop into the crevice blasted in the road just ahead. Be ready for an attack from a pair of robot octopi. Keep under cover in the crevice and blast them with the MOAC.
Emerge only when the coast is clear and hook up with Prophet on the road on the other side of the crevice. Run forward and check out the crash site, marked by a red flare. Take note of the two octopi lazily circling overhead and open fire on them with the MOAC. This will draw them to your position, which isn't very defensible, so immediately retreat to the crevice and use the cover there to blast these ugly mechanisms out of the sky. After they've been downed, head to the crash site with Prophet.Defend the Crash Site
It shouldn't come as a big surprise that more trouble awaits at the crashed VTOL. Helena is trapped inside and more octopi are inbound, leaving you to play defense while noble Prophet breaks the door open and rescues the damsel in distress.
As usual, you have to carry the heavy load. Robot octopi swarm in on you from all directions. A nearby North Korean AA gun is some help when battling this aerial assault, but the aliens hone in on it so quickly that you can generally only shoot down two or three of them before they blow it out from under you. Expect to die a good many times here, as there isn't a great deal of cover, your marine allies are totally useless, and the enemy numbers are out of this world.
After a good 20 minutes of non-stop fun with ET, you clear the airspace and Major Strickland sends in a rescue VTOL. Not for you, of course, but for Prophet and his new girlfriend. You're left to hump it out on foot to the position currently being held by the marine major and his boys.Rendezvous With Major Strickland
Head straight forward down a road bordering on a stream. A huge mechanical spider (later identified as an alien exosuit, for reasons known only to the designers) comes stomping out of the jungle behind you. Don't bother trying to kill the massive contraption, as it's impervious to anything that you can throw at it.
Get to Strickland as soon as you can. He's straight up the road at the top of a little rise. Only a few robot bugs stand in your way, and the MOAC can make short work of them.
Things are a little tougher for the major. His position is about to be overrun by a combination of the giant spider and a squadron of flying octopi. An abandoned North Korean AA gun is of some help here as well, but again, it gets hammered quickly by alien fire. Keep an eye on the AA's damage meter and jump out once it moves above 95% or so.
After the skies have been cleared, Major Strickland orders you into the last evac VTOL. Marines are still blasting away at the giant spider, but the damn thing just can't be destroyed. So resist the temptation of diving into the nearby stash of missile launchers and opening up on the monstrosity.
Just get into the VTOL post-haste to trigger the closing cutscene of the level, a cheesy yet surprisingly emotional (the guy has been giving you radio orders for most of the game, after all) moment where Strickland sacrifices himself to give the ship time to take off.
i killed all the flying octopi except the one flyin around the smoke no matter how i shoot in it not getin hit bez it high up in the sky
i dont know wat to do...plz help!
Hide under the spider, it's not really a playable object and the flying aliens won't shoot it. Keep cloaked though. Become visible to draw the flying aliens to you.
There's a gauss with ammo in one of the grey army housings.
(Very Beginning) As i stand on the porch of the small house by the bridge, the marines and I kill off all of the aliens. The aliens do not technically die, they do not fall to the ground and self destruct... Instead once they die they float where they died about 5 feet above the ground and the A.I. keeps shooting the aliens as if there still alive. I havnt passed this part yet and really just want to enjoy the rest of Crysis...Please anyone help me. This sucks...
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