Crysis PC Game - Walkthrough: General Strategy Tips


All of the below was written up based on a playthrough with Crysis set on Normal difficulty. So expect more trouble with those pesky North Koreans and weird-looking alien gizmos if you bump things up to Hard or Delta, although the basics should be similar across all four of the game's difficulty settings. The game design is also pretty fluid when it comes to enemy positioning, so don't expect either the KPA or the aliens to always be in the locations described below.

Also, the tips below generally cover just one way to kill the bad guys and reach all of the main and secondary objectives. There are lots more, of course. Your nifty battle suit provides many options when it comes to slaughtering everything that walks, runs, or slithers ominously through the air, and levels have been designed to accommodate different approaches to reaching goals. Experiment and see what works best for your particular playing style.

General Strategy Tips

  • KPA soldiers are smart. Charging them head-on is suicide, so stick to the weeds and keep cloaked as often as possible.

  • Be patient! Sit back and observe KPA positions when cloaked, or kill one and then hide while all of the enemy comes out to see what's going on. Many KPA are dressed in full camouflage, making them almost impossible to see in the jungle. Patience also applies when fighting aliens, but for different reasons. All aliens in the game, from the ghostly creatures on the alien ship to the flying robots, are very fast, so you have to make each shot count. Firing wildly will just get you killed, usually while you're reloading from a senseless bit of blasting away.

  • Rely on your cloak. While it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of battle and forget about this essential power, be sure to monitor your suit's recharge levels and turn cloak on as often as possible when fighting. - Enable the scope on your FY71 and shoot the KPA from afar. It's only fair, given how heavily they outnumber you

  • Attacking enemy bases requires some strategizing. Always try to whittle down KPA numbers from long distances using the FY71 and its scope. After you notch a few victims, consider moving in under cloak and mopping up the survivors with one-shot kills from the shotgun.

  • Don't try to kill every enemy that you encounter. Some KPA patrols are so loaded for bear that it's better to cloak and sneak past them. The same goes for aliens. Trying to kill all of the organic aliens during the ship level, for instance, is dumb because most ignore your presence unless you open fire on them. And trying to kill all of the flying octopi during the VTOL escape is flat-out impossible. The better part of valor is a good idea in many levels. Don't bother playing Rambo.




Also its a good idea to try nad aim for the head and throw explosive barrels, gas tanks (usually found near cooking equipment), and anything else you can make explode, into cover to take out any fortified positions, as the KPA seem to get more defensive when there are less of them in numbers.


also be aware that the KPA have an annoying habit of grouping together, this makes them even more dangerous, at all costs, ensure that you keep your distance and try to find a vehicle with a built in gun, failing this try to grenade them, if this fails, just sprint as far away as you can with cloak and catch them while they are unaware, its recommended you stick to defense mode and only switch to strength to do as mentioned above when there are low numbers of them left.

Tal said...

After playing crysis for a while, i've found i'm increasingly using maxstrength. While i mostly use cloak it's effectiveness increases when used in conjunction with max strength.

-Strength enables you to jump to places where enemies cannot reach you. This gives you time to find a way to flank them, as the enemies will concentrate on your last known position.

-Many towns or outposts have multiplle attack points, this is where the defenses will be set up. Often, there are alternitive ways to attack a town, these points can only be reached by jumping using max strength up seemingly impassible areas.

- Jumping over a wall while running away confuses the HELL out of KPA by the time they find a way round, you've dissapeared!

Throwing objects at buildings with wooden (not concrete) walls will collapse them. This can turn a place of cover into an obsticle to reach you, especially for KPA inside.

This last tactic with super strength i use in almost every battle- Cloak until you reach a person, and then pick them up, switch to super strength and throw them at another person instantly. This elminates two people before a battle even begins, without using anyammo in your clip! Not only that, this often will confuse the AI so that they will try to find cover before attacking you, i have often come across 3 kpa, killed two (or sometimes all) using the tactic above, and then shot or chased down the remaining enemy.

A cloak/super strength combination is what gets me through the game on delta without quicksaving.

I hope i've been of help.

Tal said...

I'd also like to do a quick comment about fighting vehicles-

The jeeps which often turn up when KPA fire flares in the air, can be turned into a weapon against them, if you want to sacrifice the chance of driving it.

On the back of every Jeep is a Jerry Can, on the left of the spare tire. If you can get behind a jeep and shoot it there it catch fire and explode the whole jeep. Those inside often try to run away but THEY NEVER MAKE IT, when your lucky it will also kill other enemies who are around.

Destroying jeeps before a battle with a silenced gun will not only kill people from the explosion, but drag their attention to the recently exploded jeep, giving you a chance to make a move.

The large trucks which carry 6-7 poeple as well as a heavy machine gunner can be easily destroyed by shooting the large barrel like engine parts underneath the truck, this will destroy the truck aswell as everyone in it, (Be warned though i have seen one or two survive occasionally) Parked trucks can be used against the Kpa in the same way I mentioned above.

Helicopters can be quite a bitch. Ive tried shooting their roters, pilots and their weapons, but nothing has seemed to work, regardless of the claims that many forums make. (at somepoint i have shot the missils on the wings, and while they caught on fire, they never exploded, so i gave up on that)

The only ways is to use the laser guided Rpg's, two shots will bring them down, The maps are always stakced with RPG's around places where helicopters turnup, so it shouldn't be a real issue. Cloak and the run out to shoot them so that they don't cut you in half with their minigun.

Tanks need RPG's aswell, and are dissapointingly easy to defeat.

admin said...

2Tal: Thanks for sharing your experience